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10:55 AM

As I mentioned in my last post, June 10th was my boyfriend's and my one year anniversary of dating. We went to the Knoxville zoo and to see HAIM at the Mill & Mine where, unfortunately, they did not allow you to take pictures or videos. I just wanted to make a little post with pictures from the day.

This bear was very sleepy. 

If you look to the right of Cameron's right eye you can see the bear's head. It was a successful selfie. 

Red pandas are officially my favorite. They just lie around all day, curl up in little hammocks made for them, and they are so stinkin cute. 
These turtles were in love for sure.

You can kind of tell in this picture, but when this bird noticed me it totally bent one knee and tilted its head for a pose. 
Ever since I was little I loved the otters. There's a picture of me when I was teeny tiny looking at them. We actually recreated it in the first collage. When we first went to look at them they were gone, and I was so sad. We came back a second time and there they were. I like to think they came just for me. We're bff's now. 

Baby gorilla! 

We were there just in time to see them eat. It was very cool. 

Da king of da jungle. 


The End! I wish I could have taken pictures of HAIM, but even so it was one of the best shows I've ever seen. They are so lively and talented. It was a great end to a great day.